Page 56 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 56
48 GrIha Manual: Volume 2

5. Selection Building materials and inishes can help enhance the
of building performance of the building with respect to solar passive
materials and features, or vice-versa. All building materials (as with all
inishing elements in nature) have the inherent capacity to absorb,
relect or transmit heat to varying degrees. This impacts
the thermal comfort of the occupants of the building
and resultantly the energy demand of the building. The
external materials selected for a building must be done
carefully so as to ensure minimum transmission of heat
through the façade, while simultaneously reducing the
heat relected to the surrounding structures and natural
features. The light relected of neighbouring buildings
can also impact the visual comfort requirements of one’s
building by increasing glare conditions. This must be
Site inventory characteristic 04 – Air movement patterns
1. Placement Passive cooling/ventilation elements should be located in Site layout The wind low through a site is inluenced by the
of wind towers the directions that exploit maximum wind ingress. Wind of building following features.
towers need to capture the hot summer winds so must structures to • Immediate topography
be oriented in a complementary direction. They should trap wind for • Vegetation (trees, shrubs, and so on) on the
also be located in a manner as to not be impacted by ventilation topography
neighbouring structures. In other words, they should • Adjacent landforms around the site
not be in the wind-shadow areas of neighbouring • Adjacent built forms around the site
developments or trees. • The building layout on the site itself

Thus, building footprints must be planned out in a
manner as to enhance the prevalent site conditions and
the micro-climate. Buildings can help channel wind-low
in a particular direction as may be required on site.
They can also funnel the wind and increase/decrease
its pressure. So buildings must be planned in a manner
that not only enhances the conditions on site, but also
ensures that the surrounding developments get their fair
share of natural winds on their developments as well.

2. Location of Operable/openable windows that are designed for
fenestration natural ventilation should be so positioned as to balance
on the basis the pressure differential that may exist on the site due
of pressure to surrounding conditions. In case the windows are
differentials not perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction, the
windows and window features such as louvres (vertical
or horizontal) can be used to channel winds into an
internal space by delection. Similarly, they can also be
designed to shelter the window from high-velocity winds.
Thus, they must be designed appropriately.
3. Passive Passive solar cooling features include shading devices,
solar cooling plantation plans, solar chimneys, earth air tunnels (earth
design air heat exchangers). The buildings must be planned
and laid out to incorporate as many of such features
as is possible on the site and ensure that the comfort
requirements of the building are met through minimum
reliance on energy intensive technologies such as
refrigerant-based HVAC systems.
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