Page 57 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 57
Sustainable site planning 49

Site inventory characteristic 05 – Parcel shape and access with adjacent land use and buildings
1. Planning for Density of development should ideally be determined Marking the The National Building Code, Part 3, under the
the capacity to by the capacity required to accommodate an accurately potential Development Control Rules and General Building
accommodate estimated number of people, with a small provision access points Requirements, states, ‘In no case, development on plots
the proposed for future expansion. It is common to construct large that do not shall be permitted unless it is accessible by a public
development buildings on speculation and then sell them for purely burden the street of width no less than 6 metres.’ Larger building
commercial beneit. This can lead to oversized systems, lower density developments require a minimum road width of
excess use of materials, and larger environmental or adjacent 12 metres. It also states that ‘in no case shall the
impact and depletion than is actually required. Such land use means of access be lesser in width than the internal
an approach must be avoided to ensure healthy living access ways in layouts and subdivisions’. This should
conditions and energy security for future generations. be followed.
Site inventory characteristic 06 – Neighbouring or proposed future developments
1. Design Future extensions may be carried out on one’s own Location of Similar to design lexibility for the future, we must also
lexibility site or on neighbouring site. Provisions should be left utility and ensure adequate provisions to ensure easy extension of
for future for both expansion types. This implies that just as we infrastructure utilities and infrastructure on our site. This should take
extension would not want to build on a site where the neighbouring for future into account aspects such as increase in occupancy,
developments compromise our rights to natural light extension increase in built-up area, climate change related impacts
and ventilation, so should we take the responsibility of (increased rainfall, or drought), and so on.
ensuring adequate inter-building spacing and overall
site planning as to ensure adequate light and air for the
future buildings to come.

GRIHA-speciic information


The natural functions of a plot of land (hydrologic, geologic, and microclimatic) can be disrupted
by the placement of a building on it. The design of a green building will factor in ways in which the
natural site features can be protected or even restored.
Layout the site activities and building requirements after carrying out detailed site analysis so as to
ensure sustainable site development in tune with its topographical, climatic, and ecological character.

4.1 Commitment
4.1.1 Carry out a comprehensive site analysis to identify site characteristics that can be used to
harness natural resources (like solar energy, wind, and water) and the potential qualities
of the landforms that could contribute to making different areas of the site visually and
thermally more comfortable for users.
4.1.2 Locate various activities of the scheme after careful site analysis and assessment so as to
protect ecologically sensitive areas and reduce damage to the natural ecosystem.
4.1.3 Identify areas of the site that were damaged during construction.
4.2 Compliance

The following documents need to be submitted.
4.2.1 Provide drawings along with a narrative to demonstrate that the zoning of areas on-site is
appropriate to existing site features (such as slopes, vegetation, water bodies, and other
natural formations). Support these with visual documentation such as photographs and
land survey records before and after construction.
4.2.2 Carry out detailed site analysis and provide narrative to demonstrate sustainable site planning.
4.3 Appraisal

4 points if all compliances are fulfilled as per clause 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
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