Page 126 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 126
Building planning and construction 117

GRIHA speciic information


To use appropriate noise controls for providing acceptable levels of outdoor and indoor noise
levels to enhance comfort.

29. 1 Commitment
29.1.1 Ensure that the outdoor noise level conforms to the CPCB-Environmental Standards-
Noise (ambient standards) as given in Table 29.1.

Table 29.1 Noise (ambient standards)
Area code Area category Limit in dB (A) Leq (equivalent sound level)
Day time Night time
A Industrial area 75 70
B Commercial area 65 55
C Residential area 55 45
D Silence zone 50 40

# Daytime is reckoned between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m.
# Nighttime is reckoned between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.
# Silence zone is defined as areas up to 100 m around premises such as hospitals, educational institutions, and
courts. The silence zones are declared by competent authority.
# Mixed categories of areas should be declared as one of the four above mentioned categories by the
competent authority and the corresponding standards shall apply.

29.1.2 Ensure that the indoor noise levels conform to the levels described in NBC 2005 (BIS
2005a) as given in Table 29.2

Table 29.2 Acceptable noise levels for various buildings
Location Noise level dB (A)
Auditoria and concert halls 20–25
Radio and television studios 20–25
Music rooms 25–30
Hospitals and cinema theatres 35–40
Apartments, hotels, and homes 35–40
Conference rooms, small ofices, and libraries 35–40
Court rooms and class rooms 40–45
Large public ofices, banks, and stores 45–50
Restaurants 50–55
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