Page 127 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 127
118 Griha Manual: Volume 4

29.2 Compliance

The following documents are to be submitted:
29.2.1 A sound audit report in the format specified in Table 29.3, on measured average
ambient noise level at site and indoor noise levels at different locations inside the
building. Noise measurement should be conducted by an organization recognized
by a competent authority and it should follow procedures laid down by a competent
authority (report to be submitted after the building is occupied).
29.2.2 The building site plan duly signed by the architect/ applicant showing all the measures
to control outdoor noise.
29.2.3 The drawings and narratives showing measures as described in NBC 2005 (BIS 2005a),
to control indoor noise.
29.2.4 Cut sheets, specification sheets, commercial brochures of sound absorbent materials
and bill of quantity demonstrating the use of sound absorbent materials in the building

Table 29.3: Sound audit format
Outdoor noise levels
Façade Measured Recommended sound level as set in CPCB-Environmental Standards- Noise (ambient
sound level standards) dB (A)
dB (A)

Note: Sound level should be measured outside each façade of the building.
Indoor noise levels
Room Location Measured sound level dB (A) Recommended sound level as
set in CPCB-Environmental
Standards- Noise (ambient
standards) dB (A)

Note: In case of more than one building on site conduct outdoor and indoor sound level audit for all buildings separately.

29.3 Appraisal (Maximum points – 2)

29. 3. 1 The outdoor noise levels are within the acceptable limits as set in CPCB-Environmental
Standards- Noise (ambient standards), as per clauses 29.2.1 and 29.2.2 (1 point).
29.3.2 The indoor noise levels are within the acceptable limits as set in NBC 2005 (BIS 2005a),
as per clauses 29.2.3- 29.2.5 (1 point).


In order to ensure that the indoor and outdoor noise levels are acceptable, and meet the CPCB
standards, the ambient noise levels on site should be reported by a competent agency. Image 11 is
an example where the noise levels on site have been reported.
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