Page 129 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 129
120 Griha Manual: Volume 4

Further, regular monitoring can also be undertaken on site. For example, Figure 12 represents
noise monitoring on site during construction. Calibration of sound level meters could also be
taken up.
Various measures at the site and landscape level may be taken up to prevent noise pollution
during construction. As an example, Figure 13 shows a project site plan where various measures to
reduce noise pollution have been highlighted.

Figure 13 Measures to reduce noise pollution on site

Steps for assessing indoor noise level reduction
# Measure the outdoor levels on the site prior to the construction of the building.
# Calculate the average sound transmission coefficient of the building envelope by using the
individual sound transmission coefficients of the opaque and transparent surfaces.
# Calculate the total sound absorptivity of the materials of the room.
# Calculate the total sound reduction due to the building envelope.
# Compare the calculated internal sound levels versus the recommended indoor sound levels to
ensure compliance with the commitment.

Further, information about the products used to minimize noise pollution may be provided in the
form of cut sheets, commercial brochures, and specifications. Figure 14 provides an example of
product description.
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