Page 154 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 154
Building operation and maintenance 145

and water leakage points are identified. A detailed water audit will inspect the different
areas in which a building uses water for sanitation, kitchen, HVAC systems, landscaping, and
the quantity of water used for each application.
In addition to water consumption, water audits will also take into consideration the
quality of water and the procedure for management of wastewater on site. Large amounts
of water savings can be achieved by recycling wastewater and use of harvested rainwater.

Waste audit: Waste audit is conducted to quantify the amount and types of waste generated
in a building. It will evaluate the existing waste management system including the
segregation, storage, and disposal. Purpose of a waste audit is to assess the effectiveness
of the solid waste management system of the building and identify any opportunities for

GRIHA speciic information


Validate the performance of the energy and environmental systems in the building as predicted
during the design and development stage.

32.1 Commitment

32.1.1 After occupying the building, conduct audits for the following within two years of full
occupancy and submit audit data as per the format specified in Table 1 and 2. The
energy consumption data submitted should be for at least 12 months.
1. Energy audit
a. Energy consumption (See Box 32.1)
b. Thermal comfort
c. Visual comfort
2. Water and waste audit
a. Water quality
b. Solid waste generation
c. Solid waste disposal process
32.1.2 After occupying the building, conduct sound level audit as specified in Criterion 29, to
measure the following:
a. Indoor noise levels
b. Outdoor noise levels

Note: Clause 32.1.2 is only applicable to projects that have attempted GRIHA Criterion 29: Acceptable outdoor and indoor levels. The audit data
should be submitted to ADaRSH in the format speciied in Criterion 29.

These audits should be conducted for typical representative days. The audit reports should
be submitted to ADaRSH in the specified format (Table 32.1 and 32.2) for validation of the
information provided at the time of award of provisional rating.
Incase the audit data is not corresponding with the data and documents provided at the
time of award of provisional rating, the provisional GRIHA rating will be taken back from the
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