Page 158 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 158
Building operation and maintenance 149

B. Solid waste audit
1 Total quantity of waste generated (kg/day)
2 Are multi-coloured bins provided for waste segregation at source? Yes ( ) No ( )
3 Is there a provision of space for hygienic storage of segregated Yes ( ) No ( )
4 If answered ‘yes’ for ‘3’, please provide details for the storage space for the following Area/volume (sq. m. / litres)
type of waste:
1. Biodegradable
2. Recyclable
3. Inert and miscellaneous
4. Hazardous
5 Quantity of waste generated (Kg)
This data should be collected for at least 2 representative days in a week.
Day Type of waste (Kg)
1 Biodegradable Recyclable Inert and Hazardous

5 Is there a treatment plant for biodegradable waste? Yes ( ) No ( )
6 If answered ‘yes’ for ‘5’ then provide the
following details
1. Type of plant

2. Capacity
9 Provide a narrative (maximum 250 words) on how each type of waste generated
by the building is being weighed and disposed. Also specify procedure adopted for
e-waste disposal.
I hereby declare that the building is fully occupied for the last one year and all the above
furnished information is true in all respect

Signature of the building owner
or authorized representative


Step 1
Once the building is operational and fully occupied, ensure that energy, water, and waste audits
are conducted to evaluate the energy consumption, thermal comfort conditions, visual comfort,
water quality and consumption; and solid waste management process of the building. These audits
should be conducted within two years of full occupancy. The primary purpose of these audits is to
verify the data provided in various documents submitted for award of provisional rating. The audit
data should be submitted to ADaRSH as per the format specified by GRIHA.
The data collected from the energy audit will be used to calculate the actual energy performance
index of the building and will be compared with the energy performance index value calculated
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