Page 159 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 159
150 Griha Manual: Volume 4

based on the computer simulation results. While calculating building’s actual energy performance
index, deviation from the energy performance index value calculated based on simulation results,
is allowed to an extent such that it does not affect the number of points achieved by the building
under criterion 14- ‘Optimize energy performance of building within specified comfort limits’. While
conducting the energy audit, if the actual EPI value is found to be higher than the allowed EPI band
(for number of points awarded), justification for the increased EPI should be provided to the GRIHA
secretariat along with the audit report.
Thermal comfort audit should verify that the spaces (both air-conditioned and non-air-
conditioned areas) inside the building meet the thermal comfort conditions specified in the National
Building Code 2005.
GRIHA Criteria 14: ‘Optimize energy performance of building within the specified comfort limits’
states that
• In non-air conditioned areas, the thermal comfort conditions as specified in Table 14.2 of GRIHA

Criterion 14, are met for 90% of all occupied hours for buildings in composite, moderate, and
• hot-dry climate and are met for 60% of all occupied hours for buildings in warm-humid climate.
In air-conditioned areas the thermal comfort conditions as specified in Part-8 Building Services;
Section 3 - air conditioning, heating and mechanical ventilation, Section 4.4.3 inside design
conditions, National Building Code, 2005, Bureau of Indian Standards, are met for 100% of all
occupied hours.

Thermal comfort audit will be conducted to ensure that the aforementioned conditions are being
met in the building. Data related to the thermal comfort parameters (temperature and relative
humidity) is collected using different instruments.
Visual comfort audit should be conducted to determine the illumination level of different areas
inside the building. The illumination levels can be collected using a digital lux metre. The audit
data should verify that the illumination levels inside the building are meeting the required levels as
specified by the National Building Code (NBC) 2005.
Water audit is conducted to ensure that the standard of potable and treated water maintained in
the building is same as what was proclaimed at the time of award of provisional rating.
Audit of solid waste management system is conducted to ensure that the solid waste
management procedure of the building is functioning as per what was proclaimed at the time of
award of provisional rating.

Step 2
Ensure that the energy audit is conducted by an energy auditor approved by the Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (BEE) and water and waste audits are conducted by competent authority.

Guide to use GRIHA online evaluation tool

This is a mandatory criterion and all the projects have to meet the requirements of this criterion in
order to be eligible for GRIHA rating. Below is a snapshot of the GRIHA Criterion 32 template.
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