Page 102 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 102
Evaluation procedure 95

CRIteRIon 22

ReduCtIon In wAste

duRInG ConstRuCtIon

GRIHA-speciic information


to ensure maximum resource recovery and safe disposal of wastes generated during
construction and to reduce the burden on the landfill.

22.1 Commitment
22.1.1 employ measures to segregate the waste on-site into inert, chemical or hazardous
22.1.2 recycle the unused chemical/ hazardous wastes such as oil, paint, and batteries.
22.1.3 inert waste to be disposed by municipal corporation/local bodies at landfill sites.
22.2 Compliance

the following documents are to be submitted.
22.2.1 narrative indicating the quantum of waste generated during the construction activity,
and the storage facility for segregated inert and hazardous waste before recycling and
22.2.2 layout (showing the location) and photo of the storage facility for segregated inert
and hazardous waste. the capacity of the storage facility has to be provided.
22.3 Appraisal (maximum 1 point)

22.3.1 Segregation of inert and hazardous wastes, as per clause 22.2.
22.3.2 recycling and safe disposal of segregated wastes, as per clause 22.2 (1 point).

Evaluation procedure

Appraisal 22.3.1
Segregation of inert and hazardous wastes, as per clause 22.2

Required documentation

1) detailed estimates (calculations) of quantum of wastes to be generated from the site during
the entire construction process (please refer to the trainers’ manual for the same criterion
for estimates and thumb-rules to calculate waste generated from a construction site).
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