Page 104 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 104
Evaluation procedure 97

CRIteRIon 23

effICIent wAste


GRIHA-speciic information


To promote the segregation of waste for eicient resource recovery.

23.1 Commitment
23.1.1 use different coloured bins for the collection of different categories of waste from the

23.2 Compliance

the following documents are to be submitted
23.2.1 narrative along with photographs/plan indicating space, locations, and capacity for
multi-coloured bins

23.3 Appraisal (maximum points – 1)
23.3.1 Provision of multi-coloured bins for waste segregation at source (1 point)

Evaluation procedure

Appraisal 23.3.1

Provision of multi-coloured bins for waste segregation at source (1 point)

Required documentation
1) before the building/s is/are occupied, the proponents may submit a plan identifying areas
where multi-coloured bins shall be located within the building’s internal spaces.
• On completion, a narrative supported by photographs should be submitted.
• Multi-coloured binds should be provided on the basis of calculated estimates of the
various types of wastes likely to be generated from the site. for instance, areas such
as cafeterias and kitchens can have bins to collect dry (plastics, packaging materials,
etc.) waste and wet (organic) wastes, whereas oice areas can have bins to collect paper
waste and e-waste, and laboratory areas or medical facilities can have bins to collect
chemical waste (separate for hazardous and non-hazardous wastes) and medical wastes
(organic, in-organic, and hazardous wastes separately), respectively.
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