Page 103 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 103
96 Griha Manual: Volume 5

Possible errors
1) estimation of quantum of wastes to be generated from the site during construction may be

Point allocation
one point to be awarded if all the above aspects are adequately addressed

Appraisal 22.3.2
recycling and safe disposal of segregated wastes, as per clause 22.2.

Required documentation
1) areas identified on the site plan before commencement of construction, with demarcated,
well-defined storage bins, or containers, or enclosures; to be highlighted (with clear signage)
in english and a language easily understood by the labourers on site.
2) Photos of the storage facility from the site, clearly showing the storage area being used and
cleared periodically.
Review checklist

1) Calculated estimates of construction wastes that are likely to be generated from the site.
2) Storage areas created as per the calculated volumes.
3) location clearly shown on the site plan.

Possible errors
1) Provided areas may be inadequate to cater to the likely quantum of waste to be generated
on site.
2) areas provided may be too far away from the main circulation corridors of truck, making
them inaccessible and, therefore, redundant during actual construction
3) evaluators should cross check the submitted documentation with the due diligence report
from adarSh to confirm whether the waste generated during the construction was actually
recycled and disposed safely.
Point allocation

one point should be avoided if all aspects are addressed adequately.
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