Page 26 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 26
Evaluation procedure 19

CRIteRIon 4

desIGn to InClude

exIstInG sIte feAtuRes

GRIHA-speciic information


the natural functions of a plot of land (hydrologic, geologic, and microclimatic) can be disrupted
by the placement of a building on it. the design of a green building will factor in ways in which the
natural site features can be protected or even restored.
layout the site activities and building requirements after carrying out detailed site analysis so as to
ensure sustainable site development in tune with its topographical, climatic, and ecological character.
4.1 Commitment

4.1.1 Carry out a comprehensive site analysis to identify site characteristics that can be used to
harness natural resources (like solar energy, wind, and water) and the potential qualities
of the landforms that could contribute to making different areas of the site visually and
thermally more comfortable for users.
4.1.2 locate various activities of the scheme after careful site analysis and assessment so as to
protect ecologically sensitive areas and reduce damage to the natural ecosystem.
4.1.3 identify areas of the site that were damaged during construction.

4.2 Compliance

the following documents need to be submitted.
4.2.1 Provide drawings along with a narrative to demonstrate that the zoning of areas on-site is
appropriate to existing site features (such as slopes, vegetation, water bodies, and other
natural formations). Support these with visual documentation such as photographs and
land survey records before and after construction.
4.2.2 Carry out detailed site analysis and provide narrative to demonstrate sustainable site planning.

4.3 Appraisal

4 points if all compliances are fulfilled as per clause 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
Evaluation procedure

Appraisal 4.2.1

this criterion addresses issues related to environment.
all compliances to be fulfilled, as per clause 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. (4 points)
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