Page 23 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 23
16 Griha Manual: Volume 5

Required documentation
1. the Cad drawing submitted for this criterion should include the contours in it and should
show the site drainage arrows. in addition, it should show two situations, first, area where
the topsoil that was removed from the site where the building was to be constructed was
kept, and second, the remainder of the site from where the topsoil was not removed but
was covered with vegetation grown for the purpose of holding the soil together.

Review checklist
1. review the Cad drawing to check if the following aspects of the site have been highlighted.
• overall site plan
• Site contours as existing on the site
• drainage pattern of the site
• areas where the building/s is/are to be constructed (building footprints)
• areas likely to be disturbed due to the construction activity (including circulation areas
around building footprints)
• areas from where the topsoil is proposed to be removed
• areas where the topsoil is proposed to be stored and stabilized with mulching, vegetation
cover, and so on.

Possible errors
1. Contour plan of the site lacks adequate detail/large contour intervals/lacks contours
2. location of sedimentation basin, temporary drains, and so on, is not in accordance with the
slopes indicated on the site.
3. location of top-soil storage facility is indicated as lying out-side of the site with no proof to
support the claim.
4. top-soil volume preserved is not equivalent to (is less than) the volume expected from the site.
Point allocation

one point should be awarded if all parameters are conformed with and submitted.
Appraisal 3.3.2

Proper stabilization of soil, as per clauses 3.2.1 (b), 3.2.2, and 3.2.3. (1 point)

Required documentation
1. narrative explaining the methods of soil stabilization used and, wherever required,
accompanied by photographs with brief descriptions.
2. Certificate from the landscape architect on topsoil laying, soil stabilization, and adequate
primary soil nutrient, and ph (supported by test results performed at an iCar [indian
Council of agricultural research] accredited laboratory).
this is to show that the primary soil nutrients and ph are within acceptable range, which
makes the topsoil suitable for preservation. the proponent may also submit a strategy for
rejuvenating the soil in case it is marginally short of soil nutrients, or requires ph balancing.
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