Page 80 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 80
Evaluation procedure 73

CRIteRIon 16

ReduCe eMbodIed eneRGy of
ConstRuCtIon by AdoptInG

effICIent teCHnoloGIes And/

oR low-eneRGy MAteRIAls

GRIHA-speciic information

replace a part of energy-intensive materials with less energy-intensive materials and/or utilize
regionally available materials, which use low-energy/energy-eicient technologies.

16.1 Commitment
16.1.1 Structural application

use low-energy technologies/materials (not based on the utilization of fly ash), such as roofing/
flooring, columns, and load-bearing walls, for structural applications. Such technologies lead to
minimum 5% reduction in the overall embodied energy, when compared to equivalent products
for the same application, for a 100% structural system used in a building, thus, meeting the
equivalent strength requirements.
Examples of low-energy products and technologies used in structural

technologies such as pre-stressed slab, extruded structural clay joist and filler slab, hollow
floor/roof slabs, filler slabs or burned clay filler pots with rCC structure, micro-concrete roofing,
pre-cast hollow plank roofing, funicular shells, zipbloc system, composite columns, reinforced
grouted brick masonry, stone masonry, pre-cast stone blocks, light-weight concrete blocks over
dense concrete blocks, and rat trap masonry.
16.1.2 Non-structural application: masonry/inill wall system

use of low-energy technologies/materials (not based on the utilization of fly ash) for non-
structural applications. Such technologies lead to minimum 5% reduction in the overall
embodied energy, when compared to equivalent products for the same application, for 100%
infill wall system used in a building, meeting the equivalent strength requirements.

Examples of low-energy product and technologies in non-structural

infill wall system using traditional mud walling system, stabilized adobe walling, compressed
earth blocks, hollow, perforated/ modular bricks, interlocking bricks, traditional stone masonry,
pre-cast non-load-bearing concrete blocks, finished concrete blocks, light weight concrete
blocks, over dense concrete blocks, pre-cast brick panels, composite ferrocement walling,
interlocking concrete blocks, rat trap masonry, and so on.
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