Page 94 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 94
Evaluation procedure 87

CRIteRIon 20

wAste -wAteR tReAtMent

GRIHA-speciic information


to provide facility for the treatment of wastewater generated in the building so as to have safe
disposal and use of by-products.

20.1 Commitment
20.1.1 Provide necessary treatment of wastewater for achieving the desired concentrations for
20.1.2 Carry out treated wastewater testing for various parameters prescribed in the Pollution
Control acts, rules and notifications, CPCb, 1998, for disposal in surface water and on
land or other reuse applications.

20.2 Compliance
20.2.1 narrative on the type of treatment system being employed. drawings with specifications
of the system indicating the capacity of water treated.
20.2.2 indicate the quantum of treated water generated along with the use/disposal steps.
20.2.3 Provide the characteristics of wastewater and expected characteristics after treatment
from the supplier.
20.2.4 quality checking frequency and sampling plan of the treatment plant (table 20.2). the
testing should be done by any accredited nabl laboratory.
20.2.5 narrative on disposal and reuse of other by-products, such as sludge.

Table 20.1 Characteristics of wastewater before and after treatment
Parameter Before treatment After treatment
Dissolved oxygen (mg/litre)
Biological oxygen demand (mg/litre)
Total coliform bacteria (MPN/100 ml)
Total dissolved solids (mg/litre)
Chloride as chlorine (mg/litre)
Boron (mg/litre)
Sulphates (mg/litre)
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99