Page 97 - GRIHA Manual Volume III - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 97
90 GRIHA Manual: Volume 3

Step 2
Annual energy requirement of internal lighting

For 1/2/3/4 extra points
In addition to meeting the mandatory requirement, for achieving extra points, the rated capacity of
the renewable energy system should meet the annual energy requirements equivalent to or more
than 5%, 10%, 20% or 30% of internal lighting consumption or its equivalent in the building, for
achieving 1, 2, 3 or 4 extra points respectively.
Prepare a list of all connected load for internal lighting. Based on hours of usage, calculate the
energy requirement for internal lighting.
Below is an example of how to calculate the annual energy requirement of internal lighting
connected loads.

Table 2 Calculation of annual energy requirement of internal lighting connected loads
Internal lighting load
Equipment Number Wattage (including Usage (hours/day) Days of usage Annual energy
ballast loss) annually requirement (kWh)
CFL 3200 13 5 250 52 000
T-5 2580 32 5 250 1 03 200
T-8 1895 40 5 250 94 750
T-8 2245 40 9 250 2 02 050
Total 4 52 000

5% of 4 52 000 = 22 600 kWh
10% of 4 52 000 = 45 200 kWh
20% of 4 52 000 = 90 400 kWh
30% of 4 52 000 = 1 35 600 kWh

So, as per the above calculation, in addition to the 1 mandatory point, if this project has to achieve:
1 1 extra point in GRIHA Criterion 18, capacity of the renewable energy system should be
such that it meets an annual energy requirement of 22 600 kWh or more.
2 2 extra points in GRIHA Criterion 18, capacity of the renewable energy system should be
such that it meets an annual energy requirement of 45 200 kWh or more.
3 3 extra points in GRIHA Criterion 18, capacity of the renewable energy system should be
such that it meets an annual energy requirement of 90 400 kWh or more.
4 4 extra points in GRIHA Criterion 18, capacity of the renewable energy system should be
such that it meets an annual energy requirement of 1 35 600 kWh or more.

Step 3
Renewable energy system design

Further to step 2, once the targeted number of points is decided, the renewable energy system
should be designed such that it meets the necessary annual energy generation requirements. Based
on the type of renewable energy source used, calculate the size of the system to be installed and the
annual energy generation capacity of the same.
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