Page 109 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 109
102 Griha Manual: Volume 5

Required documentation
1) narrative indicating the following aspects must be submitted
i. what are the possible inorganic, recyclable waste products (glass, paper, that shall be
generated on-site and who are the possible local dealers/waste collection agents/who
can be tapped to collect the waste from the site and dispose it off in an appropriate
manner by channelling it into a resource recovery stream.
ii. Copies of agreements signed with the identified waste collection agencies/agents to
formally engage them in the waste resource recovery cycle.
iii. brief write-up on how the identified agencies/agents dispose the collected waste (to
ensure no illegal dumping takes place).
2) details of plan and design of the waste treatment plant along with capacity for the disposal
of biodegradable waste. it can also highlight the periodicity of the recycling process (daily,
weekly, bi-weekly, and so on).
3) narrative indicating the generation and reuse of by-products from the waste treatment
i. this narrative should highlight what are the by-products that are likely to be generated
from the waste treatment plant (compost, biogas, producer gas, methane, manure, urea,
and so on) and
ii. how are they going to be re-used within the site (application, i.e. as fuel for cooking,
lighting, and so on [in case of gases] or in landscape on site, via sale to organic farmers/
farmers around the site, and so on).

Review checklist

1) narrative with identification of kinds of waste being generated from site along with
projected/expected volumes of different waste streams.
2) identification and proof of engagement of waste collection agency, agent, non-government
organizations, and so on.
3) Sizing and location of organic waste handling/recycling facility on site.
4) identification and description of likely by-products yielded from the organic waste recycling
5) identification and description of application/reuse of the same by-products.
Possible errors

inadequate details (names, contract copies, and so on) provided for the following.
1. names of local dealers and copies of contract documents with the same.
2. Period of waste collection contract.
3. resource recovery potential from the waste (ideally should be profit linked, that is, the
waste collection dealer should pay the project occupants for the waste collected, since it is
a source of income for him/her).
4. technologies identified with exact specifications for recycling organic waste.
5. reuse potential and exact areas where the by-products of organic waste shall be reused on/
off site.

Point allocation
two points to be awarded if all the aspects are adequately addressed.
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