Page 33 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 33
26 Griha Manual: Volume 5

2. Cross-check that the various paved and other area numbers mentioned in the calculations
stay constant throughout the criterion.
3. Cross-check that the surface area of the roof considered during imperviousness factor
calculations matches the building footprint area. in case of sloped roofs or roof overhangs,
the roof area will be larger than the building footprint.
4. the paved areas demarcated in the site plan should correspond to the numbers used in the
5. the net paved area should be less than or equal to the total paved area of the site.
6. the imperviousness factor calculations should include all roof areas, roads, paving areas,
landscaping, and so on.
7. Check that correct run-of coeicients are selected for each surface.

Possible errors

1. the net paved area might not be calculated correctly.
2. while calculating impervious area on ground, there may be an error in the interpretation of
net paved area in case of open-grid pavements. Check that in calculation of net paved area,
only hard surfaces are considered.
3. while calculating total paved area (in equation 4), total area of all paved surfaces are
considered. So, in case of open-grid pavement, total area of the pavement (including the
soft areas) will be considered.
4. The run-of coeicients selected for various surfaces might be incorrect.
5. the paved area demarcated on the drawing might not coincide with the percentage
mentioned in the calculations.

Point allocation
one point should be awarded to the project if the project complies with both the conditions of
appraisal 5.3.1.

Appraisal 5.3.2

total surface parking not to exceed as permitted by local by-laws (mandatory-if applicable) and
• more than 50% of the total paved area to have pervious paving/open-grid pavement/
grass pavers (equation 4), or
• minimum 50% of the total paved area (including parking) to have shading by vegetated
roof/pergola with planters (equation 4), or
• minimum 50% of the total paved area (including parking) to be topped with finish with
solar reflectance of 0.5 or higher (equation 4) (reference documents: 5.2.1. and 5.2.2.),
• or a minimum 50% of the total paved area (including parking) to have any combination
of the above mentioned strategies, where common area having two or more strategies
shall be calculated only once. (equation 4) (1 point).

Required documentation
1. drawings demarcating various areas which have soft paving, pervious paving, are shaded
by pergolas/trees and/or are coated with a high Sri finish.
2. Calculations demonstrating that more than 50% of the total paved area is soft/pervious/
shaded and/or has a high Sri coating.
3. Photographs of the site showing the various measures taken in the paved areas.
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