Page 38 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 38
Evaluation procedure 31

Point allocation
One point should be awarded if luminous eicacies of all the exterior lamps are above the minimum
allowable values specified by griha.

Appraisal 6.3.2

automatic controls for 100% of outdoor lights, as per clause 6.1.2 (1 point).
Required documentation
1) outdoor lighting layout with manufacturers’ details of lamps, ballasts, luminaires, and
automatic controls.
2) wiring diagram and placement of automatic switch(es) for outdoor lighting.
Review checklist
1) review detailed electrical drawings showing wiring to ensure that automatic on/off controls
have been fitted in all the exterior lamps.
Possible errors
1) Controls installed on the exterior lamps may not be of ‘on’ ‘off’ type, so, inspect manufacturer
details of the controls to confirm that the installed controls are of automatic ‘on’ ‘off’ type.
Point allocation
1 point can be awarded if automatic on/off controls have been installed in all of the outdoor lights.

Appraisal 6.3.3

Percentage of total outdoor lighting fixtures with solar lighting system, as per clause 6.1.3 (a
minimum of 25% of total number or 15% of the total connected load, whichever is higher [1 point])

Required documentation
1) Calculations showing that a minimum of 25% of the total number or 15% of the total
connected load of outdoor lighting fixtures (whichever is higher) is powered by solar energy.
2) outdoor lighting layout demarcating the solar lighting systems.
3) electrical wiring drawing to verify whether required number of external lights is connected
to the solar system provided on site.
4) details of the solar lighting system.

Review checklist
1) Cross-check the submitted calculations for both ‘a minimum of 25% of the total number’ or
‘a minimum of 15% of the total connected load’, to verify that the outdoor lighting load that
is powered by solar energy is higher of the two values.
2) Check detailed drawing of electrical wiring to verify that the number of external lights
connected to the solar system provided on site, is as per the criterion requirement.
Possible errors
1) Some exterior lights, for example, landscape lights, such as bollards, path light, may have
been excluded while conducting the calculations.
Point allocation
one point can be awarded if at least 25% of the total number or 15% of total connected load of the
outdoor lighting system are powered by solar energy. this can be achieved by installing stand alone
solar lights or by utilizing power from the on site solar Pv system to power outdoor lights.
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