Page 36 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 36
Evaluation procedure 29

CRIteRIon 6

enHAnCe outdooR – lIGHtInG systeM

effICIenCy And use RenewAble
eneRGy systeM foR MeetInG

outdooR lIGHtInG RequIReMents

GRIHA-speciic information


Enhance energy eiciency of outdoor lighting and promote usage of renewable forms of energy
to reduce the use of conventional/fossil-fuel-based energy resources.
6.1 Commitment

6.1.1 Luminous eicacy of external light sources used for outdoor lighting shall equal or
exceed as specified in table 6.1.

Table 6.1 Minimum allowable values of luminous eficacy of outdoor lighting system
Light source Minimum allowable luminous eficacy (lm/W)
CFL (compact luorescent lamp) 50
FL (luorescent lamps) 75
MH (metal halide) 75
HPSV (high pressure sodium vapour lamp) 90
LEDs (light emitting diodes) 50

6.1.2 all outdoor lightings to be fitted with an automatic on/off switch.
6.1.3 a minimum of 25% of the total number or 15% of the total connected load of outdoor
lighting fixtures (whichever is higher) to be powered by solar energy. outdoor lighting
system includes
(i) security lighting
(ii) street lighting

(iii) landscape lighting
(iv) façade lighting
(v) parking lighting

6.2 Compliance
the following documents have to be submitted.
6.2.1 Luminous eicacy of each type of lamp used in outdoor lighting.
Luminous eicacy (lm/W) = {lamp lumen output (lm)}/{lamp wattage (W) + ballast
power loss (W)}. The format is given in Table 6.2.
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