Page 44 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 44
Evaluation procedure 37

CRIteRIon 8

pRovIde MInIMuM level of

sAnItAtIon/sAfety fACIlItIes
foR ConstRuCtIon woRkeRs

GRIHA-speciic information

to ensure health and safety of workers during construction, with effective provisions for the basic
facilities such as sanitation and drinking water, and safety of equipment or machinery.

8.1 Commitment
8.1.1 Comply with the safety procedures, norms and guidelines (as applicable) as outlined in
nbC 2005 (biS 2005c).
8.1.2 adopt additional best practices and prescribed norms as in nbC 2005 (biS 2005c).
8.1.3 Provide clean drinking water to all workers.
8.1.4 Provide adequate number of decentralized latrines and urinals to construction workers.
8.2 Compliance
the following documents are to be submitted.
8.2.1 Signed letter by competent authority (architect/contractor) to demonstrate compliance
with nbC 2005 (biS 2005c) and proposed additions.
8.2.2 Proof in the form of relevant sections of tender document to show that the safety
norms and procedures as committed to be complied with are included in the scope of
work of the contractor.
8.2.3 Site photographs to demonstrate compliance by the contractor.
8.2.4 detailed narrative (not more than 250 words) on provision for safe drinking water and
sanitation facility for construction workers and site personnel.

8.3 Appraisal (maximum points – 2) mandatory

8.3.1 Compliance with national building Code norms on construction safety for ensuring
safety during construction (1 point), as per clauses 8.2.1, 8.2.2, and 8.2.3.
8.3.2 Provision for health and sanitation facilities as specified above (1 point), as per clause.
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