Page 45 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 45
38 Griha Manual: Volume 5

Evaluation procedure

Appraisal 8.3.1

Compliance with national building Code norms on construction safety for ensuring safety during
construction (1 point), as per clauses 8.2.1, 8.2.2, and 8.2.3.

Required documentation
1) a signed letter by competent authority to demonstrate compliance with the national
building Code 2005 Part 7, that is, compliance with all the necessary constructional practices
and safety.

2) Proof in the form of relevant sections of the tender document to show that the safety norms
and procedures committed to be complied with, are included in the contractor’s scope of

3) Site photographs and narrative to be submitted demonstrating compliance with the safety
norms and procedures as mentioned in the nbC 2005 Part 7.

4) Seek a due diligence report from adarSh, which would provide photographs and
documentation for compliance with the appraisal during the various stages of the project.

Review checklist
1) Check that the clauses included in the contractor’s contract for safety norms and procedures
meet the safety measures recommended by the nbC and are adequate for the nature of the
job taken up by various workers’ on site.

2) the photographs and narrative should demonstrate compliance with the requisite safety
norms and procedures. Since various activities are undertaken on a construction site, there
would be multiple variations in the safety requirements of each activity. the photographs
and narratives should highlight a significant number of measures for various activities.

3) following is a checklist for few safety norms, which are applicable to all construction sites:
a. Check for adequate safety warning signs all over the site at critical points.
b. Check for safety helmets, safety shoes, high-visibility jackets, and other requisite safety
as per requirements for all workers on site.
c. Check for presence of safety harnesses on workers working on higher levels.
d. Check for presence of safety nets for safety of upper floors.
e. Check for gloves and eye shields for workers involved in welding.
f. Check for barricading around dangerous areas, such as deep pits.
g. other relevant measures as specified in nbC 2005.

the following example is from a griha registered project. it demonstrates measures taken on site
for labour health and safety (hard hats, boots, high-visibility jackets, safety nets) and also provision
for clean drinking water.
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