Page 47 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 47
40 Griha Manual: Volume 5

Possible Errors
1) the relevant clauses included in the contract might not be exhaustive in terms of measures
to be taken on site.
2) only a few measures may have been taken on site and they might be repetitive.
3) the photographs may only be clicked during a specific time period. Check for date and time
of photographs to ensure that the safety measures have been complied with throughout
the duration of the project.
Point allocation

one point should be awarded if the project meets the necessary safety requirements as specified.

Appraisal 8.3.2
Provision for health and sanitation facilities as specified above (1 point), as per clause 8.2.4

Required documentation

1) A narrative along with photographs demonstrating suicient sanitation and drinking water
facilities on site for the labourers and their families.
2) Seek a due diligence report from adarSh which would provide photographs and
documentation for compliance with the appraisal during the various stages of the project.
Review checklist

1) Check for suicient number of toilets to be provided on site. The NBC 2005 recommends
one toilet for every 30 workers on site.
2) Check that the toilets are maintained in operational condition.
3) Check for connection of the toilet facilities to the municipal sewer or any other treatment
4) Check that the drinking water facilities are located all over the site.
5) in case the workers reside on site, review the living quarters allotted to them for adequate
daylighting and ventilation for comfort of the workers. the living quarters should be
maintained in hygienic conditions.
6) other measures maybe evaluated as described in the nbC 2005
Possible errors

1) the toilet facilities shown in the photographs may not be operational and/or may not be in
hygienic conditions.
2) the toilet facilities may not be connected to the municipal sewers.
3) The living quarters may be cramped and/or not have suicient ventilation and daylighting.
4) Drinking water and toilet facilities provided may not be suicient for the total working
population on site.
in the following example, the drinking water facilities are provided, however, in
extremely unhygienic conditions, close to other toxic substances. thus, this demonstrates
non-compliance with griha.
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