Page 51 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 51
44 Griha Manual: Volume 5

Evaluation procedure

Appraisal 9.3.1

demonstrated use of air pollution preventive measures, as per clauses 9.2.1 and
9.2.2 (2 points).

Required documentation
1) a narrative should be submitted that will have the requisite photographs and a brief write-
up on each measure taken to control air pollution on site.
2) the relevant sections of the tender document should be provided which serve as evidence
that various air pollution control measures were adopted by the contractor.

Review checklist
1) Check for atleast 3 metre high barricading around the site made of non-porous fabric/
2) Check for dust screens around areas where land is being excavated.
3) Check for proper mulching/covering of topsoil and other loose materials, such as sand.
4) Check that appropriate measures are taken to suppress loose soil on dirt roads on site
for example - watering of loose dirt roads, laying a layer of pebbles as the top surface and
so on.
5) Check for wheel washing of the vehicles entering and exiting the site. also, check for an iron
grill or a water trough placed at the entrance for dust reduction on wheels of the vehicles.
6) Check for minimum stack height requirements for gensets on site.
7) Check for compliance with other measures as specified in griha.
Possible errors

1) the barricading around the site might not be uniform in height and maybe shorter in
2) The loose materials and/or stored soil may not be suiciently covered.

The following is an example of insuicient covering of stored soil
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