Page 54 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 54
Evaluation procedure 47

CRIteRIon 10

ReduCe lAndsCApe

wAteR RequIReMent

GRIHA-speciic information


to reduce the landscape water requirements so as to minimize the load on the municipal water
supply and depletion of groundwater resources.
10.1 Commitment

10.1.1 design the landscape so as to reduce water consumption by 30% or more (up to 50%).

10.2 Compliance
the following documents are to be submitted.
10.2.1 narrative demonstrating water-saving measures adopted in the landscape plan.
10.2.2 Plan indicating the plants list, nature of species, and area covered.
10.2.3 Calculation of the water requirements after establishment for landscape in litres per day
(lPd) for each month due to variation in et rate.
10.2.4 Provide cut sheets of the irrigation equipment showing technical specifications, such as
flow rate and dimensions.
10.3 Appraisal (maximum points – 3)

10.3.1 reduction in water consumption by 30%, as per clause 10.2.3 (1 point).
10.3.2 reduction in water consumption by 40%, as per clause 10.2.3 (1 point).
10.3.3 reduction in water consumption by 50%, as per clause 10.2.3 (1 point).

Evaluation procedure

Appraisal 10.3.1, 10.3.2, and 10.3.3
10.3.1 reduction in water consumption by 30%, as per clause 10.2.3 (1 point).
10.3.2 reduction in water consumption by 40%, as per clause 10.2.3 (1 point).
10.3.3 reduction in water consumption by 50%, as per clause 10.2.3 (1 point).
Required documentation

1. narrative demonstrating water saving measures adopted in the landscape plan.
2. Plan indicating the plants list, nature of species, and area covered.
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