Page 55 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 55
48 Griha Manual: Volume 5

3. Calculation of the water requirement after establishment for landscape in lPd (litres per
day) for each month due to variation in potential evapo-transpiration rate (Pet).
4. Provide cut sheets of the irrigation equipments showing technical specifications, such as
flow rate and dimensions.

Review checklist
1. Check the write-up on the kind of measures taken to reduce the landscape water demand.
2. Check the list of plant species along with the area covered under the broad categories of
trees, native species, non-native species, lawns, ground cover, on natural earth and/or slabs/
terraces, and so on. this has to be duly supported with a detailed landscape plan.
3. review the percentage reduction in landscape water demand as compared to the base
case, based on the calculation sheet available on the griha website (calculator).
4. Check the manufacturers’ cut-sheets of the irrigation equipments showing technical
specifications, such as flow rate and dimensions.
Possible errors

1. Percentage reduction in water demand should be calculated for post-maturity of plants. if,
this calculation is done for pre-maturity case, the water demand shall be much higher as
newly planted species, including trees which otherwise do not require irrigation water, will
have high water demand.
2. Plant factors, other than the specified categories, have to be carefully selected in consultation
with the horticulture expert. for such cases, reasons for not selecting the default plant
factors should be clearly given in the narrative.
3. Check that there is no overlap of areas. for example, ground cover area which is shaded by
trees, should not be accounted for in the category of ground cover. Such area will only get
covered under trees.
4. Species quoted under various categories should be carefully checked by the evaluator.

for a project, the following document was submitted as part of the narrative (compliance
document 10.2.1)

• Planting of shrubs and ground cover on all exposed soil surfaces-The site is carefully designed so as to avoid and
soil erosion. No part of the ground is left exposed or unvegetated. The vegetation selected for the purpose is largely
native, naturalized and indigenous species. Organic mulching has been used in all the plant bed areas where
there is no ground cover. Because of their ability to spread out, certain climbers such as Cisus Rhombifolia Ellen,
Asparagus sprengari are generously used all across the site.

• Planting of xerophytic palms such as triangular palm, bambusa Vulgaris, Phyllostachys Nigra and variegated
bamboo is extensively used along the seating areas.

Figure 6 Example of documentation error

few species, which were categorized as xerophytic palms (thus having lesser plant factor) (marked
in red), did not belong to these categories.
5. irrigation systems taken in the calculation sheet should match with the manufacturers’
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