Page 58 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 58
Evaluation procedure 51

CRIteRIon 11

ReduCe wAteR use In

tHe buIldInG

GRIHA speciic information

To reduce water consumption in the building by using eicient ixtures.

11.1 Commitment

reduce the total water consumption in the building (by 25% or more) by using low-flow fixtures.
11.2 Compliance

the following documents are to be submitted.
11.2.1 narrative demonstrating water-saving measures adopted
11.2.2 Specification sheets from manufacturers for each fixture, indicating the flow rates (at
design pressure of 80 psi for faucets)
11.2.3 bill of quantities from the plumbing tender indicating the number and flow rates of
various fixtures
11.2.4 Provide design basis calculations demonstrating the reduction in the building’s water
demand as 25% or more

11.3 Appraisal (maximum points – 2)
11.3.1 reduction in water consumption by 25%. (1 point).
11.3.2 water-use reduction by 50%. (additional 1 point).

Evaluation procedure

Appraisal 11.3.1 and 11.3.2

11.3.1 reduction in water consumption by 25%. (1 point)
11.3.2 water-use reduction by 50%. (additional 1 point)

Required documentation

1. list of water-saving measures adopted.
2. Cut-sheets from the manufacturers’ along with certificates mentioning flow rates for each
fixture/faucet at 80 psi.
3. to further substantiate the use of suggested fixtures, boq document needs to be submitted.
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