Page 8 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 8
Evaluation procedureintroduction 1


this volume forms the last part of the griha technical manual series. it intents to provide guidelines
on evaluation procedures for projects seeking griha certification. Projects which are registered for
griha certification submit a consolidated document as proof for demonstrating compliance with
the various commitments mentioned in the 34 griha criteria. it becomes essential to evaluate the
documentation in order to validate the claims made by the project teams. this evaluation procedure
is crucial as several buildings are being rated under a single rating system, in order to evaluate their
standing in relation to others.
the griha rating system requires a detailed set of documents in order to prove that the project
has taken all measures to reduce its negative environmental impact. in order to assist the griha
certified evaluators in the evaluation process of the documentation; this manual gives a detailed
description of the various aspects to be kept in mind while reviewing the documentation. the
structure of the manual is as follows.
# GRIHA specific information: this section lists the criterion information: objective, commitments,
compliances, and appraisals.
# Evaluation procedure: this section is subdivided into the following parts.
• Appraisal: in this, the individual appraisals are re-stated.
• Required documentation: in this section, all documentation which is essential to
demonstrate compliance with the afore-mentioned appraisal, is specified along with the
information required.
• Review checklist: in this section, the various key points which an evaluator must cross-
check as proof for compliance, are mentioned.
• Possible errors: this section highlights the possible errors that might be present in the
• Point allocation: this section describes the procedure in which points should be allocated
to a project when it complies fully or partially with the appraisal and correct documentation
for the same has been submitted.

the overall structure of the manual and sequence of checks is kept similar to the order in which
documentation is evaluated, which makes the manual easy to comprehend.
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