Page 12 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 12
Evaluation procedure 5

# various hazard-prone area regulations
# others, if the site falls under any such area.
# (mandatory with no point allocation)
Required documentation

1. word document/scanned copy of the same/Cad drawing, to prove conformity with the
development plan/master plan/udPfi guidelines.
2. Site plan (one autoCad [computer aided design] drawing) showing the site and its
surrounding areas (up to 2 km radius).
Review checklist

1. Check for conformance with the udPfi guidelines
i. is the site within the limits of the master plan of the specific town/city?
ii. is the site within the limits of the town and country planning department? (if yes, then
focus more on checking for clauses 1.2.2 and 1.2.3)
iii. Check for general land-use of the area surrounding the site. is it designated for the
purpose that the project is trying to achieve? will it disrupt the existing purpose and
require a complete alteration of infrastructure for the convenience of its occupants?

2. review the following aspects in the site plan with surrounding areas, and check whether
the project is in conformance with the following.
i. Provisions of eco-sensitive zone regulations,
ii. coastal zone regulations,
iii. heritage areas (identified in the master plan or issued separately as specific guidelines),
iv. water body zones (in such zones, no construction is permitted in the water-spread and
buffer belt of minimum of 30 m around the ftl),
v. various hazard prone area regulations , and
vi. others, if the site falls under any such area.
Possible errors

in some states of india, land is procured directly from the ‘gram Panchayat’ with a letter of agreement.
this means that the land is being converted from agricultural land to commercial/residential land.
Check if there is a government scheme that allows for such conversion in the area. if there is no
provision or acknowledgement of that area from the local government (municipal body, or the
town and country planning department) then the project should not be cleared.

Point allocation
if the site plan is in conformity with the provisions mentioned in appraisal 1.3.1, this mandatory
requirement is met.

Appraisal 1.3.2
the site should be located within 0.5 km radius of any of the following.
# existing bus stop, and/or
# commuter rail, and/or
# light rail or metro station.
and/or the proposed site must be a brown-field site (to rehabilitate damaged sites where development
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