Page 11 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 11
4 Griha Manual: Volume 5

1.2.1 document to prove conformity with the development plan/master plan/udPfi
1.2.2 Site plan (one autoCad drawing) showing the site and its surrounding areas (up to 2 km
1.2.3 Site plan (one autoCad drawing) showing the site’s connectivity to public transport
corridors and details of the existing site and its feasibility to be converted for
redevelopment, if the selected site is a brownfield site.

1.3 Appraisal (maximum points - 1)

the following documents are to be submitted.
1.3.1 the site plan must be in conformity with the development plan/master plan/udPfi
guidelines (mandatory).

this should comply with the following provisions.
# eco-sensitive zone regulations
# Coastal zone regulations
# heritage areas (identified in the master plan or issued separately as specific guidelines)
# water body zones (in such zones, no construction is permitted in the water-spread and
buffer belt of minimum 30 m around the ftl)
# various hazard-prone area regulations
# others, if the site falls under any such area

(mandatory with no point allocation)

1.3.2 the site should be located within 0.5 km radius of the following.
# an existing bus stop, and/or
# a commuter rail, and/or
# a light rail or metro station

and/or the proposed site must be a brownfield site (to rehabilitate damaged sites where development
is hindered by environmental contamination, thereby reducing pressure on undeveloped land)
(1 point).

Evaluation procedure

Appraisal 1.3.1
the site plan must be in conformity with the development plan/master plan/udPfi guidelines

this should comply with the following provisions.
# eco-sensitive zone regulations
# Coastal zone regulations
# heritage areas (identified in the master plan or issued separately as specific guidelines)
# water body zones (in such zones, no construction is permitted in the water-spread and buffer
belt of minimum of 30 m around the full tank level [ftl])
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