Page 125 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 125
health and well-being 117

9.2.1 Narrative (not more than 300 words) explaining the air pollution preventive measures that
have been adopted on-site. Site photographs showing different stages of construction
along with preventive measures to support the claim.
9.2.2 Relevant sections of tender document showing that air pollution prevention measures
are mandatory are to be adopted by contractors during construction.

9.3 Appraisal (maximum points – 2)
9.3.1 Demonstrated use of air pollution preventive measures, as per clauses 9.2.1 and
9.2.2 (2 points).


Examples from projects

Figure 1 shows that site barricading has been done using bamboo poles and waste cement bags.
This low-cost technique helps provide more employment to workers and their wives while ensuring
that construction waste is reused on site. Alternatively brick walls can be constructed up to a height
of three metres along the periphery of the site as well as demonstrated by figure 2.

Figure 1 Site barricades made of bamboo poles and waste cement bags
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