Page 124 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 124
116 Griha Manual: Volume 2

Water spraying

Use water as a dust suppressant. Spray water over areas where demolition work is being carried
out. Spray water to suppress dust on any unpaved road or pathway. Regularly wash the wheels of
vehicles plying in and out of the site to prevent any dust from travelling outside.
Dust problems due to vehicles can also be reduced by having a trough of water or metal grills
on the roads right at the entrance of the site. This would ensure that the dust in the wheels of the
vehicles is either washed in the trough of water or shaken off by travelling over the metal grill.
Ensure that all vehicles and gensets use cleaner fossil fuels like ultra low sulphur diesel.

Cover and enclosure

# Cover all loose stored material with geotextile or any impervious fabric or covering.
# Cover all dusty loads on vehicles with impervious sheeting before they enter or exit the site.
# Store loose materials in enclosed spaces. Provide wind barriers or fences or wind breakers
around the area where loose soil, sand, etc., are stored.
# Store materials on site in an area away from sensitive areas surrounding the site like schools,
hospitals, etc.

All gensets should be maintained properly. The gensets used on site should meet the
recommended pollution norms. Minimum stack height should be provided for all gensets based on
height of the building and capacity of the gensets.

GRIHA-speciic information


The dust generated by various construction site activities can contribute significantly to air
pollution. Dust and outdoor air pollutants can cause respiratory problems. Good construction
practices involve major mitigation measures for prevention or minimization of air pollution from
construction activities. This criterion aims to reduce air pollution due to on site construction.

9.1 Commitment
9.1.1 Adopt measures to prevent air pollution in the vicinity of the site due to construction
activities. There is no standard reference for this. The best practices should be followed
(as adopted from international best practice documents and codes).
9.1.2 Provision in the contract document that the contractor will undertake the responsibility
to prevent air pollution (dust and smoke); ensure that there will be adequate water
supply/storage for dust suppression; devise and arrange methods of working and
carrying out the work in such a manner so as to minimize the impact of dust on the
surrounding environment; and provide experienced personnel with suitable training to
ensure that these methods are implemented. Prior to the commencement of any work,
the methods of working, plant equipment, and air-pollution-control system to be used
on-site should be made available for the inspection and approval of the engineer-in-
charge to ensure that these are suitable for the project.

9.2 Compliance

The following documents are to be submitted.
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