Page 123 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 123
health and well-being 115

CRIteRIon 9

ReduCe AIR pollutIon duRInG



Main components of air pollution are fugitive dust and particulate matter from onsite power
generation using fossil fuels. Conventional construction practices do not involve barricading the
site with any barriers to prevent dust from travelling outside the site. Vehicles moving in and out of
the site travel all over the site. There are no measures taken to control loose dust from becoming
air-borne. Construction activities on site are not staged.
Loose dust particles cause air pollution. Air-borne dust particles cause eye, nose and throat
irritation. When inhaled, they cause various respiratory problems. Carcinogenic compounds can be
deposited in the lungs. Dust particles have an adverse impact on the air quality of the surrounding
areas, even in doors. Excess dust in the air reduces visibility in the neighbouring areas and causes
damage to neighbouring properties.

There are various measures that can be taken at various stages for controlling air pollution during
construction. Measures to be taken should be decided on the basis of the detrimental impact
potential that the site might have on its surroundings. The degree and number of measures should
be defined accordingly. Huge developments happening in city centres would require different and
more severe measures for controlling air pollution during construction than smaller development
taking place in the suburban areas.

Site preparation

# Stage construction on site and clear vegetation only from those areas where work has to begin
right away.
# Provide at least a three-metre-high hoarding around the perimeter of the site, next to the road
or public area.
# Provide dust screens, sheeting or netting along the perimeter of the building.
# Vegetate/mulch all areas where vehicles do not ply. In case mulching or vegetating is not
possible, apply gravel or landscaping rocks to the areas. Vegetate/mulch all loose soil and
exposed earth.
# Identify areas on site where vehicles have to ply. Limit movement of vehicles only to designated
areas on site. Limit vehicle speed on site to a maximum of 10 km/hour.
# Ensure that the vehicle circulation paths and parking areas are hard paved or covered with
gravel, etc.
# All stationary vehicles on site should not have their engines idling and should be turned
off. Ensure constant monitoring on site to ensure various measures are being implemented
properly. Put a dust and air pollution control plan in place during construction.
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