Page 137 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 137
130 Griha Manual: Volume 5

project. however, if the audited data is corresponding with the data and documents provided
at the time of award of provisional rating, the final griha rating will be awarded to the project.

Box 32.1
while calculating the building’s actual energy performance index, deviation from the energy
performance index value calculated based on simulation results is allowed to an extent such
that it does not affect the number of points achieved by the building under criterion 14-
‘optimize energy performance of building within specified comfort limits’. while conducting
the energy audit if the actual ePi value is found to be higher than the allowed ePi band (for
number of points awarded), justification for the increased ePi needs to be provided to adarSh
along with the audit report.

for example
based on the simulation results, ePi of a project has been calculated as 108 kwh/m /annum.
as per griha Criterion 14, ePi benchmark for the project is 140 kwh/m /annum. ePi lies in
the band 112- 99 kwh/m /annum, that is, 20% reduction from the benchmarked ePi, so the
project achieves four points under Criterion 14.
Post occupancy, when energy audit is conducted for the project if the actual ePi is found
to be within ePi band 112- 99 kwh/m /annum, it is acceptable. however, if the actual ePi is
found to be higher than 112 kwh/m /annum, justification for the increased ePi needs to be
submitted to adarSh along with the audit report.

32.1.2 the energy audit should be conducted by an energy auditor approved by the bureau
of Energy Eiciency, Government of India. Water and waste audit should be conducted
by a competent authority.

32.2 Compliance
the following documents should be submitted.
32.2.1 Completed audit forms signed by competent authority (building owner/authorized
representative) demonstrating that all energy and environment systems of the building
are performing as predicted and match the information provided at the time of award
of provisional griha rating.
32.2.2 Certificate stating that the energy audit has been conducted by an energy auditor
approved by the Bureau of Energy Eiciency, Government of India.

32.3 Appraisal (mandatory and no points)
32.3.1 the energy systems and water and waste management systems of the building are
performing as predicted and match the information provided at the time of award of
provisional griha rating (mandatory).
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