Page 139 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 139
132 Griha Manual: Volume 5

C. Visual comfort audit
Average illumination level in all building areas measured at horizontal work plane
No. (For example: Ofice area-enclosed, Ofice area-open plan, Corridor, Average lighting level (lux)
Restroom, and so on.)

i hereby declare that the building is fully occupied since……………….. and all the above
furnished information is true in all respect

Signature of the building owner
or authorized representative

Table 32.2 Water and waste audit format
A. Water audit
1 What are the different sources of water supply to the building? Tick on the applicable options
□ Municipal supply □ Ground water □ Tanker
2 Is there a raw water treatment plant on site? Yes ( ) No ( )
3 Is there a wastewater treatment plant on site? Yes ( ) No ( )
4 Provide water quality test reports for potable and treated water specifying the following parameters
Parameter Drinking water Treated/ recycled water
Total hardness (as CaCO 3 ) (mg/litre)
Total dissolved solids (mg/litre)
Chlorides as chlorine (mg/litre)
Colour (hazen)
Turbidity (NTU)
Alkalinity (mg/l)
Calcium (as Ca), mg/litre
Boron (mg/litre)
Sulphates (as SO 4 )(mg/litre)
Nitrates (as NO 3 ) (mg/litre)
Conductivity at 25 °C (us/cm)
Anionic detergents as MBAS (mg/litre)
Arsenic (mg/litre)
Iron (mg/litre)
Fluorides (mg/litre)
Lead (mg/litre)
Copper (mg/litre)
Zinc (mg/litre)
Phenolic compounds (as C 6 H 5 OH) (mg/litre)
Cyanide (mg/litre)
Chromium (mg/litre)
(In case regular water quality test have been conducted for the building, these test reports can be submitted. However, it
should be ensured that all the parameters speciied above have been included in these test reports.)
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