Page 133 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 133
126 Griha Manual: Volume 5

Required documentation
1) Signed letter by competent authority (architect/access auditor) to demonstrate compliance
with the nbC 2005 annex d (Clause 12.21) (biS 2005f) and proposed additions.
2) Site photographs to demonstrate compliance.
3) detailed narrative (not more than 250 words) on provision of infrastructure accessibility
features, auxiliary aids and appliances, and appropriate building management policies to
ensure non -discrimination against persons with disabilities.
Review checklist

1) review the site photographs to check if the building is compliant with the nbC 2005 annex
d (Clause 12.21) (biS 2005f). following is a checklist of some of the requirements of the nbC
2005 annex d (Clause 12.21). for detailed design recommendations please refer to the nbC
of india 2005.
• Check if the complete building premises is accessible to physically challenged persons.
• Check if the public walks are at least 1200 wide and have a gradient not greater than 1
in 20.
• Check if adequate parking spaces have been allocated for use by individuals with
physical disabilities and whether these parking spaces are easily accessible (proximity
to the building).
• Review ramp design to check that the ramps provided do not have a slope greater than
1 in 20 or maximum of 1 in 12 for short distance up to 9000 mm.
• Check if at least one primary entrance to each building is usable by individuals in
wheelchairs and is indicated by a sign. this entrance should be on a level that would
make the elevators accessible.
• Check if the width of the doors is adequate enough to enable wheelchair users to pass
through the doors. the minimum clear width should be 900 mm and the door should
operate by a single effort.
• Check that the stairs are not the only means of moving between loors, they are
supplemented by lifts or ramps.
• Check that handrails have been provided on both sides of any stairway. They should be
continuous, even on landings, and extend not less than 300 mm beyond the top and
bottom step.
• Check if adequate toilets have been provided for and are easily accessible by the
individuals who are wheelchair bound or ambulant disabled. review detailed toilet
drawings to check if the sanitary facilities have been designed as per nbC 2005
• In multi-storey buildings check if elevators have been provided for successful functioning
of physically disabled individuals. elevators should be accessible to, and usable by the
physically disabled on the level that they use to enter the building, and at all levels
normally used by the general public.
2) review the narrative document to check
• If adequate auxiliary aids and appliances have been provided in the building for
persons with disabilities. (examples of auxiliary aids or appliances include evacuation
chairs to aid in assisted evacuation of people with impaired mobility; printed information,
brochures, and maps available in alternative formats such as large print, audio and
braille, and so on).
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