Page 138 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 138
Evaluation procedure 131

Table 32.1 Energy audit format
A. Energy consumption
No. Item Value
1 Name of the building
2 Type of building (ofice,institution, hotel, hospital, and so on)
3 Working hours (day working/24 hour working)
4 Working days/week (5/6/7 days per week)
5 Area of the building (exclude parking, lawn, roads, and so on) 1. Built Up Area (m )(Excluding Basement
2. Conditioned Area(in m )
3. Conditioned Area(as % of built up area)
6 Connected Load (kW) or Contract Demand (kVA)
7 Installed capacity of DG/ GG Sets (kVA or kW)
8 Installed capacity of transformers (kVA)
9 Installed capacity of air conditioning system (TR)
10 Installed lighting load (kW)
a. Annual electricity consumption, purchased from utilities (kWh)
b) Annual electricity consumption, through diesel generating (DG)/
11 gas generating (GG) set(s) ( kWh)
(Data collected from metre installed on DG/GG sets)
c) Total annual electricity consumption, utilities + DG/GG sets (kWh)
a) Energy consumption for lighting (kWh)
(Data collected from indoor lighting sub metre)
12 • HVAC plant
(Data collected from HVAC plant sub meter)
b) Energy consumption for HVAC (kWh)
• AHU fans
(Data collected from AHU fans sub meter)
a) Annual cost of electricity, purchased from utilities (Rs)
(Provide monthly electricity bills)
13 b) Annual cost of electricity generated through DG/GG Sets (Rs)
c) Total annual electricity cost, utilities + DG/GG Sets (Rs)

14 HSD (or any other fuel oil used, specify)/gas consumption in DG/GG
sets (litres/cu metres) in the year
15 Fuel (FO, LDO,LPG, NG) used for generating steam/water heating
in the year (in appropriate units)
EPI (Energy Performance Index) in kWh/ m2/year
16 Energy includes electricity purchased and generated ( excluding
electricity generated from on-site renewable resources)

B. Thermal comfort data
1 Provide hourly temperature and relative humidity proile of the building areas for at least one day. Readings should be taken
for at least 20% of all representative spaces of the building.
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