Page 18 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 18
Evaluation procedure 11

Appraisal 2.3.3
Proper implementation of staging and spill prevention plan.

Required documentation
1. a Cad drawing of the site plan showing the following.
i. existing vegetation in terms of trees, shrubs, lawn areas, vegetated areas, and so on.
ii. Slopes and drainage patterns, clearly showing over site contours with the direction of
the slopes and their drainage; ponds or catchment-areas (if any); sink holes, hillocks,
natural drainage channels (if any)

iii. keeping in view the above aspects, the Cad drawing should show the following.
• Staging measures: Boundaries of the irst/second / third/n stages of construction
• Spill prevention measures: The drawing should highlight three issues, that is,
stopping the spill at the source, containing the spill within a set boundary/limit, and
ensuring that the contaminants are carefully disposed off without any threat to the

2. Cad drawing highlighting how the project construction activities have been divided into
stages to prevent the site from being cleared off all its vegetation. areas on the site that
are likely to be disrupted should be appropriately demarcated and strategies should be
devised on how they can be cordoned off from the rest of the site.
3. along with the drawing, a narrative should be submitted proving that the above
proposed site construction (as mentioned in 2.3.2) plan was strictly adhered to, along with
photographic evidence of the same during various stages of the construction cycle. Please
not that just submitting one set of photographs from the beginning of the project will
not suice the requirement. Photographs should be taken regularly at diferent stages of
construction cycle.
Review checklist

1. Check the drawing for all the staging recommendations listed in the narrative. ensure that
appropriate measures are selected for different areas of the site (some areas may need to
be barricaded, some may need to be protected by dust screens, and so on.)
2. Check areas from where the photographs have been taken. ensure that they represent
legitimate views of the site and are taken during various stages of the construction cycle.

Possible errors
1. Photographs provided for the documentation are inadequate or have been taken at a
preliminary date with no photographs from the actual construction project-cycle.
Point allocation

Point for this appraisal to be awarded along with appraisal 2.3.4

Appraisal 2.3.4
effective erosion and sedimentation control to prevent erosion, as per clause 2.2.3. (1 point)
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