Page 15 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 15
8 Griha Manual: Volume 5

2.2.3 Site plan showing staging and spill prevention measures, erosion and sedimentation
control measures.
2.2.4 one document to be submitted after construction of the building, a brief description
along with photographic records to show that other areas have not been disrupted during
construction. the document should also include brief explanation and photographic
records to show erosion and sedimentation control measures adopted. (document Cad
drawing showing site plan details of existing vegetation, existing buildings, existing
slopes and site drainage pattern, staging and spill prevention measures, erosion and
sedimentation control measures and measures adopted for top soil preservation during
2.2.5 Site plan (one Cad drawing) along with a narrative to demarcate areas on site from which
topsoil has to be gathered, designate area where it will be stored, measures adopted for
topsoil preservation.
2.2.6 one Cad drawing showing proposed landscape plan with identification of trees (different
colour coding for trees to be used for protected, preserved, transplanted, removed trees)
corresponding to the existing tree survey table (to be included in the drawing), existing
and new buildings, proposed site drainage pattern. explain in brief measures to be
adopted for protecting existing landscape (limit to 250 words).
2.2.7 Certificate of landscape architect confirming proper protection and preservation of
existing trees during construction process.
2.2.8 landscape plan, clearly highlighting the areas where trees were removed (indicating the
number of trees), if applicable, with the number of replanted trees in the proportion of
1:3 in the proposed landscape design. list details about species, which existed, and the
species that have been replanted on-site.
2.2.9 landscape plan to show that plantation in excess of 25% above the minimum requirement
has been done.

2.3 Appraisal (maximum points 5) partly mandatory, if applicable
2.3.1 ensure proper timing of construction with respect to rain, as per clause 2.2.1.
2.3.2 Confine construction activity to pre-designated areas, as per clause 2.2.2 (1 point).
2.3.3 Proper implementation of staging and spill prevention plan and
2.3.4 effective erosion and sedimentation control to prevent erosion, as per clause 2.2.3 (1
2.3.5 Preserve top soil by deploying suitable measures (1 point).

Non-applicability condition proposed (for topsoil preservation only): Contaminated sites/sites that do not have good
quality topsoil (as per soil test report) that is considered worth storing for reuse. Soil test has to be carried out as per
Criterion 3 and the test report has to be endorsed by the landscape architect. The landscape architect has to provide a
certificate that the topsoil is not worth storing for landscaping purposes and cannot be restored to applicable standard.

In case of sites that have contaminated topsoil, the topsoil cannot be utilized for landscape purposes. Therefore, in
such cases, the clauses related to topsoil do not apply to the project in question. This also holds true for sites where an
older structure is being replaced with a new building, but if the footprint of the new building is larger than the existing
structure, then that soil must be preserved. In case the topsoil can be restored to the recommended fertility levels,
then the criterion shall be applicable to the project. The fertility/infertility of the topsoil must be proven through an
independent soil fertility test. In such cases, Appraisal 2.3.5 does not apply to the project.
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